Water is one of the most vital resources on our planet and although we take if for granted we also recognize its beauty! This week the Lit Monsters show their love for this life giving liquid with five exquisite water covers that are truly worthy to be on this weeks feature!
The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan
Madigan`s cover for her story The Mermaids Mirror is simple and yet captivating! The first thing I noticed it the contrast between the water and clouds verses the model, who I assume is Lena. I love how the water has white caps and the color of the water is a threatening grey color. I also like how the clouds make it seem as if a giant storm is on the horizon. In contrast, when you look at the model you can see a slight blue halo surrounding her. It’s almost as if whatever is compelling her towards the water is having a profound effect on her. I like the color and font of the title. It almost has the texture of seaweed. If it was meant to be that way I’d say that’s a very clever idea! The main reason why I like this cover is because it looks like it is a photograph! I mean just look at the droplets of water around Lea’s head! I love, love, love this cover!
Water is an absolute necessity to humanity. Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams and even puddles, droplets of water and steam are all an important component to society functioning. They all consume our lives and also our novels and their covers for this weeks feature! The Dead Tossed Waves has a perfect cover that exemplifies water. There is a beautiful young women who seems to be lying on a beach, distraught for some reason on the shore. She doesn't seem to care about the water soaking her, which leads you to believe she's in some kind of emotional or physical pain. The water is consuming her just like her thoughts. This cover is elegant and distant. This cover draws you in instantly with the mysteriousness of it. I personally love The Forest of Hands and Teeth series and couldn't imagine a better cover for The Dead Tossed Waves! It makes a splashing contribution to the water edition of this weeks Covers to Gush Over!
Undercurrent by Tricia Rayburn
Tricia Rayburn’s cover for undercurrent is stunningly gorgeous. The scenery in the background is amazing, the colours mesh together well and the model standing on the rocks looks so surreal, especially because of the red glow that's surrounding her. I like how the sun looks like it’s trying to peak out from behind the clouds but can’t quite make it. Finally, the choppy waves near the shore line do a good job of representing the anger and thirst for revenge of the sirens toward Vanessa.
Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma
Nova Ren Suma’s cover for Imaginary girls is both mysterious and captivating. Since water and drowning are significant to Suma’s story, I love how they decided to make the water’s surface vertical instead of horizontal. It nicely represents how the model’s , who I assume is Chloe, life is tilted off its axis after finding her classmate London’s body and being sent away from her sister. The blue of the water is an amazing color that really compliments the white of Chloe’s dress, the red color of both her hair and the ribbon tied around her wrist, as well as the pink lettering of the novel’s title creates an eye-catching cover! Lastly I really like the tagline they chose for the cover. “Secrets never stay below the surface.”
Sharks & Boys by Kristen Tracy
I really enjoy how to the point Kristen Tracy’s cover for Sharks & Boys is. The cover features two people; I’d guess Enid and Wick, holding hands of a life boat. Cue boys. In the background is a clear sky, some lovely crisp blue waves and a fin. Cue Sharks. But what really made the cover stand out to me was how cartoonish it looks. The hands might look real, they probably are but the life raft, water and Shark fin all look like something I’d see if I was watching TV on a Saturday with my seven year old cousin. I know the situation the teens within the novel isn’t a comedic one, but the cover’s cartoonish features make me smile.
OMG!!!! I am in love with the cover of The Mermaid's Mirror!!!!
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